Publication Date

Fall 2017

Document Type

Project Summary

Degree Name

Master of Arts


Multicategorical Special Education

First Advisor

Philip Boudreau, Ph.D.


Today's classrooms are composed with a wide variety of students. It is important for all teachers, both special and general education, to have the ability to teach a diverse group of students. In recent years, Universal Design for Learning {UDL) has gained a positive reputation as a scientifically validated teaching method that considers individuality. The purpose of this investigation is to assess teachers on their knowledge and use ofUDL. A small pool of licensed teachers in the Chicago metropolitan area were polled by means of an electronically disbursed, anonymous survey. The results show 55% of participants claim to be familiar with UDL and 55% of teachers claim to use UDL in their classroom regularly. The data also shows that all the participants are currently, regularly using strategies that The Center for Applied Special Technology {CAST) calls the guidelines for UDL.


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