Publication Date

Spring 2013

Document Type

Project Summary

Degree Name

Master of Science


Analytical Chemistry

First Advisor

Walter Henne, Jr., Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Karen D'Arcy, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Aheda Saber, Ph.D.


Folic acid, also known as folate or vitamin B9, is essential for various functions in the human body and life as we know it. Folate is the compound that occurs naturally in food, and folic acid is the synthetic form of this vitamin. Chemically speaking, folic acid has the hydrogen (H+) attached to the compound whereas folate is the conjugate, having lost the hydrogen (H+). Structure, Functions of Folate, Folic Acid in Bacteria, Folate Receptors, and Folic Acid Receptor in Macrophages are discussed in this literature review project. (abstract by OPUS staff)
