Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 1992


Course syllabus for MGMT 525 Collective Bargaining

Course description: This course provides an introduction to collective bargaining and industrial relations. The course begins by tracing the U.S. industrial relations system, showing how labor, management and legal regulation of unions and the collective bargaining process have shaped and continue to shape the employment relationship. Modern collective bargaining is then studied at the strategic, functional and workplace levels. At the strategic level, the impact on collective bargaining of different management long run strategies and different union long run strategies are studied. Focus at the functional level is on contract negotiations and their outcomes, with emphasis on bargaining power, strikes and wage determination. Contract administration, grievance procedures and arbitration are considered at the workplace level. The influence of external environmental forces in shaping the bargaining process, particularly bargaining power, and on bargaining outcomes is examined in the context of the three-tier model.

Pedagogy will include lecture/discussion and active student participation in mock bargaining and grievance arbitration exercises, including one lengthy recent case study.
