Publication Date

Fall 2015

Document Type

Project Summary

Degree Name

Master of Public Administration


Public Administration

First Advisor

Susan Gaffney, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Larry Levinson, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Donald Culverson, Ph.D.


This study examines the impact that violence has on an underserved community and its opportunity for revitalization. It attempts to reveal and analyze significant differences of opinion among residents, politicians, and other stakeholders in the Englewood community of Chicago, focusing primarily on what is needed to revitalize the community and reduce the level of violence in it. One key research finding is that there is a significant disconnect between residents of Englewood, the politicians who represent them, and activists and social-service providers who work with them in the community. Although there was no one clear reason for the disconnect, this study attempted to identify the importance of developing future assessments, programs, and resources to foster positive and effective strategies for rejuvenating Englewood. The study employs a quantitative research approach to collect and analyze data on the opinions of various stakeholders in the Englewood community. Data from survey questionnaires were administered to fifty-five participants who are residents, leaders and employees of not-for-profit organizations, politicians, and other community leaders, based on their age, income, and role within the community. The study demonstrates the ways that community development, economics, viability, leadership, and policing are needed in Englewood. These needs not only contribute to violence, but also can be a leading cause of the disconnect that exist. among the stakeholders in the community. Although this study hypothesizes a disconnect among the stakeholders of Englewood, evidence also suggests that because of the disconnect; violence continues to exist. The hypothesis offers insight on the types of revitalization strategies that may be successful, as these recommendations differ from standard approaches in the field. However, further qualitative study may be necessary to develop effective revitalization strategies in order to determine the root causes of the disconnect and to find ways to overcome it.


Authors listed in alphabetical order by OPUS staff.
