Maimon Prize

DEADLINE: March 15, 2021
11:59 pm

Submit your work by March 15, 2021, to be considered for the Maimon Endowed Writing Prize! Monetary prizes will be awarded at a virtual ceremony in April. To submit, please register for an OPUS account using the "My Account" link above.  Instructions are available under "Author Registration Tutorial" on the left.  Then use the "Submission" link for The Maimon Prize. Formatting instructions for essays are published under "Submission".   

Eligible students must have been enrolled in ENGL 1000, ENGL 1010, or HUM 1001 during the Fall 2020 semester.

Endowed by Dr. Elaine Maimon, President of Governors State University from 2007-2020, and Dr. Mort Maimon, this writing prize encourages students to see themselves as writers. Work submitted for English 1000, English 1010, or Humanities 1001 is eligible, and students are encouraged to continue revising papers after the fall semester is complete.

The contest rewards experimentation and innovation on the part of student-writers through their creation of multi-modal texts, from traditional written work to short films or podcasts.


Entries are judged by a committee appointed by the President’s and Provost’s offices.   
