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The Steering committee is pleased to announce the 14th Annual GSU Student Research Conference to be held on May 21, 2008. This year we have launched the conference website: Please visit the website for information about the conference.

For the past thirteen years this conference has become a tradition in excellence, and we are confident that today again we will witness another session of quality presentations by our students. This year we have record number of presentations - sixteen podium presentations and seventeen poster presentations from thirty nine students.

The conference will be presented in its original format and with its original objectives: ^ 1. To provide students an opportunity to present their research work before an audience ^ of their peers, and to use the comments they receive to improve presentations made at professional conferences. 2. To provide a forum to highlight research accomplishments at GSU, and honor students presenting their research work. 3. To generate enthusiasm among the student body in general, and encourage them to pursue research and other scholarly activities. 4. To enhance communications in the area of research among the four colleges at GSU. The interactions may also lead to collaborative work among students and faculty of different colleges. 5. To enhance the image of GSU in the area of teaching, as research is considered an integral part of teaching at the university level. In the long run a larger number of students attracted to research would enroll at GSU to pursue higher education.

The committee hopes that you will enjoy the conference, that you share in the excitement of doing research, and that you will look forward to participating in future student and professional conferences. |

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Office of the Provost, Governors State University


University Park, Illinois


Governors State University, Student Research


Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

14th Annual Governors State University Student Research Conference Proceedings
