"Employers Attitudes towards Hiring Individuals with Alternative Diplom" by Leah West

Publication Date

Spring 2015

Document Type

Project Summary

Degree Name

Master of Arts


Multicategorical Special Education

First Advisor

Philip Boudreau, Ph.D.


Having career aspirations is a natural part of development. Many students dream of receiving their high school diploma and going on to enter the workforce. However, one must consider what happens to students who receive degrees of completion, certificates of attendance, or occupational diplomas. In order to examine the postsecondary job opportunities for students who hold alternative diplomas the researchers conducted an action based study which used the mixed methodology approach of surveys and interviews to examine employer’s attitudes towards hiring individuals with alternative diplomas. A total of 50 participants, who were part of a convenience sample, were asked to take part in the survey process; only 21 chose to participate. Of the 21 participants 5 were interviewed. Ultimately, the research showed that employers are often ignorant of alternative diplomas which may be the cause of the underrepresentation of individuals with disabilities in the workforce.


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