"Employee HR Connect Portal" by Aparna Allusivala, Sindhura Reddy Mandadi et al.

Publication Date

Fall 2015

Document Type

Project Summary

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Soon-Ok Park, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

(Clare) Xueqing Tang, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Neng-Shin Chen, M.S.


Employee HR Connect Portal is essential in order to track employee time, project time. This portal can be hosted on any java based web server or application server and will be accessible via web-browsers. This portal is very user- friendly. Employee HR Connect Portal will be a useful tool to identify supply and demand of human resources. We have three main modules to maintain records of employee, department and project. Employee HR Connect Portal is very helpful for auditing. Through this portal we can judge the potentiality of the employee.


Co-authored capstone with authors listed in alphabetical order by OPUS staff.

Allusivala_Aparna_Presentation.pptx (901 kB)
Presentation Slides
