"Data Migration from RDBMS to Hadoop" by Naga Sruthi Tiyyagura, Monika Rallabandi et al.

Publication Date

Spring 2016

Document Type

Project Summary

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Soon-Ok Park, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

(Clare) Xueqing Tang, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Neng-Shin Chen, M.S.


Oracle, IBM, Microsoft and Teradata own a large portion of the information on the planet. By that on the off chance that we run an inquiry in any piece of the world, it is likely that you are perusing the information from a Database possessed by them. The bigger the volume of information moves from Oracle to DB2 or other is testing assignment for the business. The conception of Hadoop and NoSQL innovation spoke to a seismic movement that shook the RDBMS market and offering a different option for organizations. The Database merchants moved rapidly to Big Data for position and opposite. Indeed, even everybody has own enormous information innovation like prophet NoSQL and mongo DB ,There is a colossal business sector for an elite information movement that can duplicate the information and put away in RDBMS Databases to Hadoop or NoSQL databases. Current data is available in the RDBMS databases like oracle, SQL Server, MySQL and Teradata. We are planning to migrate RDBMS data to big data which is support NoSQL database and contains verity of data from the existed system it’s take huge resources and time to migrate pita bytes of data. Time and resource may be constraints for the current migrating process.


Co-authored capstone with authors listed in alphabetical order by OPUS staff.

Nalluri_Radha_Presentation.pptx (1735 kB)
Presentation Slides
