"Determining Whether Classroom Dojo Will Decrease the Number of Behavio" by Venessa Martinez

Publication Date

Spring 2016

Document Type

Project Summary

Degree Name

Master of Arts


Multicategorical Special Education

First Advisor

Philip Boudreau, Ph.D.


This is a quantitative study that uses A-B design to determine whether the use of classroom management behavior intervention Classroom Dojo would decrease the amount of behavior referrals. This intervention was implemented in a special education classroom in the south suburbs of Chicago with 8th grade students that attend an alternative school for behavior issues that were exhibited while at their district school. All of the students were exposed to the intervention while two students with the highest number of behavior referrals were progress monitored on a weekly basis using a data collection system called SWIS Data. This data collection system tracks behavior referrals and breaks that information down into the type of infraction, time of day, and person writing the referral. That information is then used to look for a pattern in behavior and to assist with intervention ideas. Classroom Dojo is a computer-based behavior management intervention that allows instant feedback regarding inappropriate behavior. Students can lose a point for inappropriate behavior exhibited within the classroom. There is also a parental component that can be utilized to allow parents to have automatic notification if their child loses a point for inappropriate behavior. After a period of six weeks the students with the highest number of behavior referrals showed a significant decrease in behavior referrals with the implementation of Classroom Dojo. This occurred without the parental component included.
