"Jay Haley Revisted" by Madeleine Richeport-Haley and Jon Carlson
Jay Haley Revisted

Jay Haley Revisted



Jay Haley Revisited brings together influential professionals in psychotherapy and counseling to introduce, analyze, and put into context 20 of the most interesting and significant papers Jay Haley produced, both published and unpublished. Jay Haley was one of the most influential thinkers in psychotherapy who revolutionized the field through his writings, teachings, research, and supervision for more than half a century. The seminal classic papers found in this volume capture the wit, humor, and the ability to look at a field and offer critique that leads to constructive change. This book will delight readers who, in one volume, can trace the birth and development of the field of family therapy, and the revolution from traditional ideas to modern therapy approaches, in the voice of one of the field’s most gifted teachers.



Publication Date





New York


Haley Therapies


Clinical and Medical Social Work | Counseling | Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy


Jon Carlson, PsyD, EdD, ABPP, is Distinguished Professor in the Division of Psychology and Counseling at Governors State University and a psychologist at the Wellness Clinic in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Dr. Carlson has authored 60 books and 175 articles, and produced over 300 professional videos. Madeleine Richeport-Haley, PhD, is an anthropologist filmmaker who trained with Milton Erikson. She collaborated with her husband, Jay Haley, for 18 years, producing therapy training films and the book The Art of Strategic Therapy. Her numerous publications have added a cross-cultural healing perspective to the therapy field.

Jay Haley Revisted

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