American Shaman: An Odyssey of Global Healing Traditions
Written for therapists, scholars, clergy, students, and those with an interest in non-traditional healing practices, this book tells the story of Bradford Keeney, the first non-African to be inducted as a shaman in the Kung Bushman and Zulu cultures.
Publication Date
New York
Bradford Keeney, African Healers, Healing Traditions
International and Intercultural Communication | Multicultural Psychology
Recommended Citation
Kottler, Jeffrey; Carlson, Jon; and Keeney, Bradford, "American Shaman: An Odyssey of Global Healing Traditions" (2004). Faculty Bookshelf. 34.
Jeffrey A. Kottler, Ph.D., is Chair of the Counseling Department at California State University, Fullerton. He has authored a dozen texts for counselors and therapists that are used in universities around the world and a dozen books each for practicing therapists and educators. Dr. Kottler has been an educator for twenty-five years and has worked as a teacher, counselor, and therapist in preschool, middle school, mental health center, crisis center, university, community college, and private practice settings. He has served as a Fullbright Scholar and Senior Lecturer in Peru (1980) and Iceland (2000), as well as worked as a Visiting Professor in New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Nepal. Jon Carlson, Psy.D., Ed.D., is Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Counseling at Governors State University, University Park, Illinois and a Psychologist with the Wellness Clinic in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. In addition to serving as the long-time Editor of The Family Journal, he is the author of 25 books in the areas of family therapy, marital enrichment, consultation, and Adlerian psychology. Jon has also developed and produced over 100 commercial videotapes that feature the most prominent leaders in the field (including the professionals featured in this book) demonstrating their theories in actions. These videos are used to train the next generation of practitioners.