OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship - One Book One University: Global Perspectives of Sustainability

Event Title

Global Perspectives of Sustainability

Presenter Information

Oras Tynnkynen



Start Date

13-11-2014 11:00 AM


Video conference presentation by Oras Tynkkynen, the vice chair of Finland Parliament's Committee for the Future. He also represents the Green Party in the Environment and the Transport and Communications Committees. He has served as climate policy specialist in the Prime Minister's Office, and was in charge of writing the government foresight report on climate and energy policy. He was recently named as Senior Advisor to Sitra, a fund operating directly under the Finnish Parliament that uses projects to introduce new ideas about good living, promote operational models that value people, and boost sustainable business.

This program highlights both the specific features of GSU's three learning themes - sustainability, global citizenship and civic engagement - as well as their interconnectedness.

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Nov 13th, 11:00 AM

Global Perspectives of Sustainability


Video conference presentation by Oras Tynkkynen, the vice chair of Finland Parliament's Committee for the Future. He also represents the Green Party in the Environment and the Transport and Communications Committees. He has served as climate policy specialist in the Prime Minister's Office, and was in charge of writing the government foresight report on climate and energy policy. He was recently named as Senior Advisor to Sitra, a fund operating directly under the Finnish Parliament that uses projects to introduce new ideas about good living, promote operational models that value people, and boost sustainable business.

This program highlights both the specific features of GSU's three learning themes - sustainability, global citizenship and civic engagement - as well as their interconnectedness.