"Ancient Art of Thailand and Cambodia on Exhibit at GSU" by Office of Public Affairs

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Artistic expression motivated by faith often inspires deep appreciation and understanding in the observer. The collection of over forty stone and bronze sculptures to be displayed at the Governors State University Art Gallery serves that purpose.

“Images of the Devine: Ancient Art of Thailand and Cambodia” will be shown at the GSU gallery from May 8 to May 25. A reception on Friday, May 12, from 6 to 9 p.m. will celebrate this unique show.This selection of sculptures from the New York Collection of David Gelbard represents Thai and Cambodian artwork from the Sixth through the 15th century. The show includes early Brahmanic or Hindu sculptures of several deities such as Vishnu, Shiva, and Ganesh, as well as those of Theravada Buddhism representing Buddha as a teacher.
