"ACCT 301 Financial Accounting" by Gary Fernandez

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 1990


Course syllabus for ACCT 301 Financial Accounting

Course description: The course is designed to give the student an overview of the preparation and use of financial statements. The course will take both a conceptual and problems approach to the topics presented. The course will review the topics indicated on the attached syllabus. Class sessions will follow a lecture and discussion format. Class sessions will involve the review of chapter materials, analyze homework problems, work through additional problems and discuss contemporary issues that pertain to financial accounting.


Supplemental files include a slightly different version of the Fall 1990 syllabus.

acct301_1990_fa_fern1.pdf (246 kB)
ACCT 301 Fall 1990 (2)

acct301b_1990_ss_fern.pdf (181 kB)
ACCT 301B Spring/Summer 1990
