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Park Forest South: History and Development, by Larry A. McClellan, Governors State University, Park Forest South, Illinois. A comprehensive annotated bibliography of print materials on the emergence and growth of the village as a federal "Title VII New Community" and as a racially integrated suburb. This includes citations from 1962 through mid-1979 and a narrative introduction for each section: Introduction; Newspapers and Newsletters--Local, Metropolitan and National; The Planning Process; The History and Development of Park Forest South--Pre-New Town (prior to 1970), New Town Development (1970-74), Restructuring (1975-mid-78), Renewed Development (mid-1978 -present); and Integration Policies and Issues in Park Forest South.


Series: Council of Planning Librarians. bibliography ; no. 23.

Errata: on p. 18, the citation to "A History of Housing Integration in Park Forest South," by Kathy Cardona, in Onderdonk,, is found in the appendix Part IV beginning on p. 80, in Onderdonk, DeMarco, and Cardona, "integration in Housing: A Plan for Racial Diversity", available at



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