Poor Families in the United States
Jocelyn James-Moore, Dionna Gordon, Shakyra Winston, and Toi Bowers are students in the Bachelor of Social Work program under the direction of Dr. Lorri Glass, Associate Professor and BSW Coordinator, College of Health and Human Services.
The purpose of this poster session is to display the lifestyles of poor families in the United States. Low income families have a harder time allocating funds because their budget is so tight. Many of our neighbors, right in our community our going through economic distress trying to keep a roof over their heads, have a meal every night, to basically fulfill their essential needs. Again, this workshop will address the difficulty of raising a family when you barely make enough income to make ends meet an entire month or if you don’t have any income at all. This workshop should enhance individual’s awareness of less fortunate families and sensitize them to the reality that everyone isn’t fortunate enough to live a comfortable life.
Poor Families in the United States
Hall of Governors
The purpose of this poster session is to display the lifestyles of poor families in the United States. Low income families have a harder time allocating funds because their budget is so tight. Many of our neighbors, right in our community our going through economic distress trying to keep a roof over their heads, have a meal every night, to basically fulfill their essential needs. Again, this workshop will address the difficulty of raising a family when you barely make enough income to make ends meet an entire month or if you don’t have any income at all. This workshop should enhance individual’s awareness of less fortunate families and sensitize them to the reality that everyone isn’t fortunate enough to live a comfortable life.