Poster Sessions - 2018 Research Day
Design and Development of a Diffraction Grating Spectrometer
Type of Presentation
Poster Session
Hall of Governors
Start Date
4-6-2018 12:30 PM
End Date
4-6-2018 2:00 PM
A frequent occurrence in the field of scientific research is the design and construction of equipment which is built to suit a specific set of experimental needs. Building such instruments provides both the knowledge of how the equipment works and allows a tool to be customized and crafted to exactly match the requirements of the experiment. This research exercise will involve the design, construction, and calibration of a spectrometer as well as the characterization of its performance. During the experiments that will be carried out using this tool the aspects of the design which limit performance will be identified and modified accordingly to produce the most accurate resolution of bands.
Spectrometers are instruments which are utilized to measure the discrete wavelengths emitted from a light source. Through the spatial separation of wavelengths, called bands, the discrete wavelengths which are being emitted on an atomic level can be measured. The two commonly most commonly implemented elements for the separation of light into its constituent wavelengths are prisms and diffraction gratings. Glass or crystal prisms use their inherent index of refraction to refract the light at various angles depending on each wavelength passing through the prism. Diffraction grating works via interference causing the light to diverge in separate directions, based on wavelength, where there is constructive interference between light scattering off the pattern on the grating. Utilizing these components to build a functioning, precise, and accurate spectrometer will be the final goal of this research.
Identify Grant
Undergraduate Research
Faculty / Staff Sponsor
Dr. Joong-Won Shin
Design and Development of a Diffraction Grating Spectrometer
Hall of Governors
A frequent occurrence in the field of scientific research is the design and construction of equipment which is built to suit a specific set of experimental needs. Building such instruments provides both the knowledge of how the equipment works and allows a tool to be customized and crafted to exactly match the requirements of the experiment. This research exercise will involve the design, construction, and calibration of a spectrometer as well as the characterization of its performance. During the experiments that will be carried out using this tool the aspects of the design which limit performance will be identified and modified accordingly to produce the most accurate resolution of bands.
Spectrometers are instruments which are utilized to measure the discrete wavelengths emitted from a light source. Through the spatial separation of wavelengths, called bands, the discrete wavelengths which are being emitted on an atomic level can be measured. The two commonly most commonly implemented elements for the separation of light into its constituent wavelengths are prisms and diffraction gratings. Glass or crystal prisms use their inherent index of refraction to refract the light at various angles depending on each wavelength passing through the prism. Diffraction grating works via interference causing the light to diverge in separate directions, based on wavelength, where there is constructive interference between light scattering off the pattern on the grating. Utilizing these components to build a functioning, precise, and accurate spectrometer will be the final goal of this research.