Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 1987


This course will provide an overview of a select group of master artists of the 19th century. An examination will be made of the major artistic movements of the period including Classicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, the Pre-Raphaelites and Art Nouveau. There will be an analysis of the lives and works of eminent male and female artists, the social, political and artistic climate in which they worked and the contributions they made. There will also be a study of the thematic and stylistic development and theoretical concerns of each artist, and an investigation will be made of the influence these artists have had on other artists.

All students are encouraged to view the permanent collection of 19th century artists at the Art Institute of Chicago. A major exhibition will be held at the Art Institute of Chicago, "Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Master Pieces: The Courtauld Collection", from October 14, 1987 through January 3, 1988. All students are encouraged to see the exhibition. Graduate students are required to attend.
