"E-Classroom for an Underserved Institution" by Bhanuprakash Madupati, Kaleem Danish Mohammed et al.

Publication Date

Fall 2015

Document Type

Project Summary

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

(Clare) Xueqing Tang, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Soon-Ok Park, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Neng-Shin Chen, M.S.


The E-Class Room system is a web based project. An educational institution in India is understaffed and has limited interaction among faculty, student and industry experts. The project is to provide an online platform for the students and faculty of the institution to enhance their educational needs and to share their learning with their fellow students, faculty or industrial experts. It aims to provide a platform for mutual cooperation between different kinds of learning. The new system will provide directional way for online learning between faculty, student and industrial experts.


Co-authored capstone with authors listed in alphabetical order by OPUS staff.
