"Creating, Posting, and Using Open Scholarship: Open Textbooks, Journal" by Paul M. Blobaum and Sarah Wegley

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Publication Date



The new GSU scholarly repository platform, OPUS, has the potential to transform faculty research, teaching, and scholarship. The platform supports the publication of student research journals, the posting of faculty work (presentations, papers, abstracts, working papers, published peer reviewed articles). OPUS stands for Open Portal to University Scholarship, and is hosted on the Digital Commons Network published by Bepress, Berkeley, California. This presentation reports on the successes of the College of Arts and Sciences pilot project of posting graduation capstones and Theses in OPUS, with data from OPUS’s first year, and will also discuss the platforms support on scholarly monograph publishing and open textbooks.

This presentation was given at the 2015 Faculty Summer Institute, Governors State University, on June 2, 2015.
