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Governors State University was established in July, 1969, by the State of Illinois as a free-standing upper division university with a mandate to develop a new model of higher education system. William E. Engbretson, the first and only President of GSU, invited me to join the administrative staff as Dean in September, 1969. I have had the opportunity to participate in planning ail systems of the University during the past six years. As a biologist-ecologist I had had considerable experience In various science curriculum development and science teacher education projects. Hence, I was interested in developing a College of Environmental and Applied Sciences that was non-departmentalized and that included a truly interdisciplinary curriculum which would prepare various kinds of environmental. generalists and specialists. A survey of the literature In 1969, 1970 identified many books and articles dealing with problems of higher education in general, but the paucity of literature about the history and evolutlon of colleges and schools of science was astounding. No references were found concerning colleges of science in new upper division universities. The National Academy of Sciences, the National Science Foundation, and a few committees and commissions were just beginning to talk and write about Interdisciplinary science curricular possibilities at the university level. And little, if any, consideration had been given to competency-based curricula In science at the college or university level. There were no colleges of environmental science in the United States. To this date there is no definitive publication on the evolution of a college of environmental science.

The purpose of this book is to place on record the brief six-year history and evolution of a college of environmental and applied sciences In a new upper division university where the total curriculum is interdisciplinary and competency-based. It is my hope that this report on the brief six-year life of this experimenting college will be useful to scientists who in the future may plan and develop still other kinds of science colleges.

In the development of a new university and a different kind of science college, certain persons make major contributions. The College of Environmental and Applied Sciences and this book would be very different if it were not for the intellectual contributions of Peter Fenner, James Joseph Gallagher, Donald S. Douglas, and Robert A. Kloss who have worked as colleagues in the College since 1970. Bob Kloss died unexpectedly In January, 1975, prior to the completion of this book. Robert E. Tumelty was a member of the original "team of six" professional scientists who planned the College. He left the University after three years; all others of the original team are still helping to guide the College and University to maturity. William E. Engbretson, the first and continuing President of Governors State University, contributed significantly to my thinking about alternative curricula, strategies and modes of instruction, and needs of the commuting student. Without his support during the past six years, it would have been impossible to develop an experimenting environmental science college. He was also responsible for encouraging me to write this book during a six-month sabbatical leave which he endorsed.

It Is not possible to place a value on the advice, counsel and support given to me and the College by Keith Smith, the first Vice President tor Administration. Smitty joined the University in the fa!l of 1969 and strong leadership until his unexpected, sudden death in the spring of 1974. During the past two years Mary P. Endres, Vice President for Academic Affairs, has provided stimulating advice and counsel to me and my colleagues in the College. In many ways, she has influenced the College as it matures.

A very special note of appreciation and gratitude to my wife, Betty, who typed and proofread the entire manuscript for this book. Her penchant for clear, straightforward use of language has greatly improved the book.

(From the Preface)


272 pages. Unpublished manuscript. Dr. Ted F. Andrews was founding dean of the College of Environmental Sciences, which is currently the College of Arts and Sciences, Governors State University.

Please note: Campus buildings labels (A, B, C, etc.) as described in this 1975 manuscript were revised in early 1983 to correspond to original architectural drawings. (See Innovator, January 3, 1983)
