Publication Date

Fall 2016

Document Type

Project Summary

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Soon-Ok Park, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Alex Liu, M.S.

Third Advisor

Do Young Park, Ph.D.


In the current scenario, there is a race in each professional field. It is also true for company's sales market. A sales pipeline database helps to take customers and sales to new levels and improve client’s retention. In this design document, it gives enhancing the application to make it User friendly and informative by implementing the below features

New Features:

1. User Interface changes - Look and Feel

2. Filtration – It Modifies the filtration based on the status of the Pipeline

3. Pipeline Status of the client - This Show the progress of each client

4. Reports- It is a feature to generate Report for each client and also the Overall Statistic Reports

Type of Project:

  • Analysis and development
  • Analysis and testing

The system has two levels Admin and user.

Admin Console:

The admin has an authority to plan, to organize, implement and direct (give guidance) to the users and setting targets and tracking the results

User Console:

When user tap on the project code, user will be navigated to the details page.

To examine the status, we are including a tab called “Dashboard”.


To improve sales and to know the customers, with sales pipeline database we can track the sales through dashboard. In this, we can also find the profit and loss day to day. So, that we can plan for future activities to increase our sales. This will free up our time and helps us to feel more control on our business.


Also, thought of implementing notifications to remind the sales delivery dates through email.

So, Sales Management portal is the perfect online arena, where staff can find their clients information and can update client’s activities. So, that they can interact them easily and provide guidance to improve sales.

Technical Details:

  1. Microsoft visual studio
  2. Database: SQL server
  3. C#


Author's names are in alphabetical order.
