"Sales Management Portal" by Yashwanth Nallamothu, Venkat Reddy Peddireddy et al.

Publication Date

Fall 2016

Document Type

Project Summary

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Soon-Ok Park, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Alex Liu, M.S.

Third Advisor

Do Young Park, Ph.D.


The sales management portal:

The sales management portal is mostly used to process and store the data of the client and the staff this helps us in maintaining the records and manage the sales environment in the most proper way this portal helps us to have a better communication with the client and help the client to know about the services we provide

This portal helps the employees to make proposals that could increase the sales and help them to work with the other staff towards the project this is also essential for the managers to organize the work force and manage the resources

There are different modules in this portal they are as follows

  • Client module
  • Administrator Module
  • Search Module

Client Module:

The client has a module he could login and see the opportunities i.e. products and services provided to the client and he could opt in for the newsletter and have the project updates and he could see the project status and progress reports and log out

Administrator Module:

The Administrator has a module giving him a complete access to the project reports proposals, client details, employee details and manager details he manages the project reports, client reports, project status and progress reports, project duration and Amount details have been accessed and regulated by the administrator the user/employee and the manager login and profile details and access information and adding and deleting employees, client and managers is also been processed by the administrator.

Search Module:

This module helps the user and administrator to search the opportunity’s and filter them and give us the appropriate and precise search results based on the key words entered in the search bar this helps the users and the administrator to sort the client list carefully and they don’t have to browse through the entire database to look for one client.

Sub Forms:

In the sale project we have sub forms which has been divided into 5 categories

  • General info: This form consists of general information of the client.
  • Contacts: This from consists of the contact information of the client.
  • Notes: This form consists of the special required information of the client.
  • Opportunities: This form consists of the required opportunities of the client.
  • Proposal: This form consists of proposal required for the clients.
  • Project: This form consists of the information of the projects.

All the above sub forms have different sub categories in their form which can added, deleted and can be modified by the admin only. These forms give us a clear idea about the information that has been gathered for the project by the client.


The above Processes have the two step verifications for the login processes for security purposes and the manager, employee and the client have the mobile friendly applications that could easily work with their respective portable devices

Technical Details

  • UI: HTML 5, CSS3
  • Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
  • Database: My SQL
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Web Application Tools: JavaScript, JSP


Author's names are in alphabetical order.
