"Using Genograms to Explore Transgenerational Trauma and Racism in Afri" by Hollie F. Campbell

Publication Date

Fall 2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



First Advisor

Shannon Dermer, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Shea Dunham, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Patricia Roby, Ph.D.

Fourth Advisor

Vickii Coffey, Ph.D.


Despite a significant amount of literature on genograms in the ERIC, PsycINFO, and SocINDEX with full-text databases, only a handful of articles and book chapters address using genograms with African Americans. Of the articles that were found on the clinical application of the genogram as a counseling technique with African American couples, three provided a specific set of interview questions for the construction of a genogram, but did not explore the effects of transgenerational trauma and racism on these couples. Using a modified Delphi technique, the researcher solicited input from a panel of experts who developed and then assessed a set of questions that the experts thought were appropriate for the construction of a genogram to explore racism and microaggressions among African American couples. The Delphi method was selected because it is known to be effective when consensus is sought in an area where none previously existed. In the first phase of the Modified Delphi the panel experts generated 120 questions. 81 questions remained following the researcher’s analysis and 35 questions were found to be appropriate to ask clients to create a genogram that explored transgenerational trauma and racism.
