Publication Date

Summer 2019

Document Type

Project Summary

Degree Name

Doctor of Education



First Advisor

Marlon Cummings, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Rita Wojtylewski

Third Advisor

Dorothea Fitzgerald, Ed.D.


Worth School District 127 is located in the south suburbs of Chicago and maintains a K-8 student population of approximately 1,139 students. Twenty-one percent of Worth School District 127’s student population is considered to be English Learners (EL), and forty-seven percent of that population of students are Arabic students. There are currently two certified Arabic instructors employed by the district and one Arabic English Learners Tutor. All three of these staff members also serve as cultural brokers for Worth School District 127 and offer much academic and social support to the Arabic community of Worth. The number of Arabic families registering in Worth School District 127 continues to grow each year, and this has created the need for the district to meet the unique needs of these families and prepare the staff to provide them with an education and parental support equal to that offered to all families registered in the district. The need has emerged for the district to appoint a District Improvement Team made up of various stakeholders with a vested interest in serving the Arabic population of Worth School District 127. The following capstone served as a framework in the development of this team and their goal to develop, implement, and assess the success of a District Improvement Plan.


Portions of this manuscript have been redacted for privacy.
