"Better Reviews" by Joseph Ravali Kommareddy

Better Reviews

Publication Date


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science


Better reviews is a web application useful for different service-based and product-based organizations. These organizations can register with the application and they can post the updates of the products and services that they are providing. Updates like product launches, home services, event management, restaurants, etc. People can check services can visit the application and they can search for the service providers. A number of service providers will be available and people can select any of the service products and can request the quote for the service they require. The system will provide the same information to the service providers and then the customer will be getting the quote. If agreed, service will be done, later on, the customer will have a chance to provide a review on the service he had.

This type of review mechanism will help the organization to increase the customer base and at the same time, if they get any negative feedback then they will be having a chance to increase the quality of their service. Any of the customers can provide reviews on the events that are posted on the web application. This helps the people to know the services and quality of the organization. This kind of web application provides information related to the organization and helps the people to take a decision in selecting the right organization for getting the services. This application will be having 3 user roles, Administrator, Business Owner, and Customers. Administrator will be having access to all posted services and reviews. Designing and developing this application with the following technologies, .Net and C# for Application Software, Interface Design is with CSS and Bootstrap using SQL Server Management Studio for database.

The application start date is 09/07/2020 and the application release date is 12/07/2020.


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