"Online Career Center" by Sufiyan Ali Khan

Online Career Center

Publication Date


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science


Online career center is a website which acts like career community portal that helps people to find jobs and assists companies to recruit top talent candidates. Website provides job listings, career advice, resume posting and resource to job seekers. One can search for job by location, job type and preferred organization.

This website is used to provide new employment opportunities based on the qualification of members who connect to the portal. An online career center is an area where employees can post about the job vacancies in their company with the requirements. This helps the members to know about the vacancies of the job. Online career center helps to reduce unemployment and helps individual members to acquire a dream job.

The online career center website provides details about the job in a job listing. The job listing has up to date information about vacancies of job. The job listing contains details of the job by type of job, location of job, organization, and salaries.

The website enables the members to search for a job based on qualification. The member must create an account and upload a resume. Portal provides career advice to members according to their interests and qualification. According to the resume or qualification of member the portal alerts the members about the job vacancies. If a member accepts the alert his/her resume directly forwarded to that organization and portal also helps in connecting to the organization to avail the opportunity.

Software Requirements:

Operating System: Windows XP/2010 or later.
User Interfaces: HTML, CSS
Programming language: Visual studio 2017
Database: SQL server management studio 2014, SQL server 2008.


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