"eLearning" by Krishna Murthy Muddhana

Publication Date

Fall 2021



Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Xin Jasmine Chen, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Soon-Ok Park, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Alex Liu


E-Learning Management System is one of the best systems for learning. During covid-19 period all students and teachers had struggled to face teach / learn. Purpose of eLearning is the easiest way to learn or instruct from our convenient place. Maybe if the instructor / learner do not have time at that particular time they are advising / learning leisure time. Instructor / Learner can teach / learn from one country to another. Anyone can learn / instruct from anywhere using this Management system. It’s not necessary to teach them from on-site / online. If the instructor records the flow and uploads their course materials, they will see and learn everything.

This application has three roles one is an Instructor, Learner and Admin. Instructors who upload the course material / content for the learner’s study material. Admin can manage everything like instructors, users, categories, plan details. Learner can register their account, raise the doubts using forum and will receive the notifications from admin/instructors.

To build the application handling the above features, we are using the logic for .NET Core on Visual studio. Besides, we are using the web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Ajax, Asp.net, and jQuery to develop and support the application, and for the database, MSSQL will be used.
