"Home Away From Home" by Sana Siddiqui

Publication Date

Spring 2019

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Xin Chen, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Soon-Ok Park, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Alex Liu


The hotel industry or home on rent is a business for the owners and the travelers or tourist for the sake of stay and enjoying a tour in a comfort zone. A customer can pass a night or even spare a time even if he does not have a plan for the tour.

Through this system customer to be guaranteed a room for his/her stay or a customer can book room/house for his/her friends, neighbors, family members and colleagues.

The system will provide an online reservation to enable customer choose the house and rooms they wanted.

Software requirements and tools for this project are HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, AJAX, MySQL and Apache Server.

Mainly this application will contain three modules End User Website, Admin Console and Owners of hotels and houses.

From End User Website user can search and view details of any hotel and house(s), he/she can check for room availability for the particular dates and book it online by signing up to the system. He/she can also check the booking status and the cancel the booking too.

From Admin console the administrator of website can manage owners and view bookings done on the platform. Admin can see some reports also.

Hotel and house owners need to register and login on the platform and add their hotel and houses details so that the system will show those hotels and houses on our platform for booking. Owners can add, update and activate de-activate the status of their properties. Owners will receive the bookings and need to confirm it.
