"Home Away From Home" by Hammad Qureshi

Publication Date


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Xi Chen, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Soon-Ok Park, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Alex Liu


Home Away From Home (HAFH) is a web-based application provides a solution for owners of property and people seeking short-term accommodation. When the marketplace offers Services or Rentals it requires an availability management system so that providers can reliably specify their availability, and Customers can easily book on the dates that fit them.

In addition, it has single sign in feature available for customer to check history. Furthermore, it will have different functionality such as search engine to sort out the best deal for the customer.

There are three types of user accounts admin, owner and renter. Each of these roles can manage its own profile and settings and has its specific authority and restrictions.

The operating system that to use this Web-application is Windows 7 and the user interface of the application is JSP, CSS and we use JavaScript, jQuery as a client-side scripting. Our IDE is Visual Eclipse Neon and the database is MYSQL Database.

We will be including major functionalities in our project. A customer Registration and Login screen. Users can look for desired accommodation by filtering their travel like Dates, room type, price range etc. Payment Feature user can select desired payment method and also they can check history of the payment. User can share Experience by rate and review.
