"Applications of GIS to Natural Resource Management: GSU Field Station " by Jeegarkumar Panchal

Publication Date

Summer 2019

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Environmental Biology

First Advisor

John Yunger, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Mary Carrington, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Frances Kostarelos, Ph.D.


Geographic Information System is used to identify available natural resources and their management of Governors State University and surrounding Thorn Creek Preserve. Using ArcGIS 10.5.1, seven different map have been made categorized under, Governors State University campus map, land use types of the study area, available streams and ponds, major ground water resources in this area, human population dynamics, digital elevation model and soil type of the study area. The GPS points have been recorded using GPS unit. The available GIS data shape files have been collected from Illinois Natural Resource Geographical Data Clearinghouse. The Governors State University campus map identify locations of trails, sculpture park, field station and research sites, remnant prairie and tree species and sustainable garden. The land use types data map represents vegetation, agricultural land, wetlands, forest and developed land. This study area is covered by majority of deciduous forest and agricultural area. The ponds and stream data enable to see exact location of available ponds and streams of the study area. A shallow bedrock well is the most common ground water resource in this area. The population dynamics map suggest that human population is continue increasing around the study area which results in increasing pressure on natural resources. The digital elevation model shows that GSU campus is relatively flat, with a majority of area consisting of slope less than 4%. According to soil survey map, the campus and surrounding areas are comprised of alfisols and molisols.
