"CRM Portal" by Safora Siraj Syeda

Publication Date

Spring 2018

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Dr. Soon-Ok Park


The aim of this application is to automate the existing system of operations of customer relationship management (CRM) by establishing the relationship of the customer with the management and employees of the organization through a web portal. The portal helps to improve the customer service, maintain relationship of customers and sales department, streamline the workflow and grow the organization, thus maximizing profits. The higher management can monitor and check reports, helping them make business decisions using the data.

The application will be organized, user friendly, mobile compatible and will have smooth navigation using common functions in the header and footer. The portal helps the manager to make announcements which can be viewed by all the staff members in order of date. This portal facilitates the user to get general information about their clients, contact information, projects and special comment on prospects and clients for future references. It allows managers and above level staff to add special comments, if needed. A search function is available for quick searching of customers, projects and any other activities by name.

The created database supports the portal and its functionalities. The functionalities include sales management, contact management, reports and integration on social media. Social media integration helps us promote our services through the online social world whereas the reports helps the top-level management in decision making through the data collected. Also, the portal will have different type of logins as per the types of user, for example, sales manager, sales staff, customer, management.

This portal will help improve the business of the company making the staff more time efficient and organized. The staff will have a better knowledge of their customers and would be able to provide better solutions to them. As for the prospects, staff can go after them and can access detailed information to turn them into clients. The high-level management can monitor each customer project and staff performance and can make informed decisions from the data collected.
