"Management System for a Restaurant" by Naga Nikhila Vallabhaneni

Publication Date

Fall 2022

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Yunchuan Liu, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Xin(Jasmine) Chen,Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Dae Wook Kim, Ph.D.


The Management System for a Restaurant is a web-based application. The main aim is to provide better communication between customers and restaurants. By using this application, the user can order from any location. This application will reduce all the manual processes. So, users can view the restaurant menu from nearby locations, and can place an order and view the status of the order like cooking/packed/delivered.

There are three main actors in this application: Admin, Restaurant manager and User. The admin will create all menus with their corresponding price lists. Also, the admin will be able to view statistical reports for foods. Restaurant managers will receive orders from customers. Users/Customers can place orders using this application and they will be able to view available food items.

The system is designed as a 3-tier architecture. Each user must register with the system; after logging in successfully, they are able to perform operations. Separate login pages are provided for logging into the system. To develop this system, we use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and bootstrap for the front end, MySQL database as the back end, and Java, JSP, and JDBC as middleware.
