"Prediction of Covid-19 Cases using Machine Learning and Data Analysis" by Anthony Loritz

Publication Date

Fall 2022

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Yunchuan Liu, Ph.D.


The app for the Covid-19 Machine Learning and Data Analysis Project was developed as a requirement for the Graduate Capstone Seminar Project for the Master of Science Degree with a Major in Computer Science. Machine learning algorithms and models can be used to predict important future Covid case data such as infection rates (outbreaks) and mortality rates. The predicted case data can be used to help control Covid, aid in better treatments and vaccines, or even lead to a cure. This app’s main objectives are to forecast Covid-19 global new cases based on previous known new case data, measure the LSTM machine learning model’s performance with regression accuracy check metrics based on the actual and predicted global new cases values of the testing dataset, and conduct global and country analysis of Covid-19 new cases and new deaths data. This app’s objectives do not aim to replace or enhance any existing Covid-19 Machine Learning and Data Analysis Apps; it is an app developed for academic purposes. The deadline for the Covid-19 Machine Learning and Data Analysis App is 11/28/2022 at 9:00 AM.
