"Library Management System" by Katyaini Manne

Publication Date

Fall 2023

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

X. Chen


As it is getting difficult to manage the library operations physically, there is a need of automating all those operations. We all know that there is lot of improvement in the technology, by making use of technology we want to build a dynamic web application with some intelligent elements. As this application is used by 3 users like librarian, student and staff. Every user is having their own operations like book entry, book search, view book, delete book, book issue, book return etc.

Apart from this we will be implementing data analysis and also inventory analysis. For example, there will be the data set which contains the information of book issue. We can retrieve the required data like what are the books borrowed by students, what are the books there in issue, is book available or not etc. By getting such information, library can able to keep such books in the library so that it can be useful to the students. This will be implemented as a feature to the librarian to know the information.

This application is implemented using visual studio 2022 version, with MVC architecture. We are using SQL server to store and retrieve the data.
