![Fostering Educational and Vocational Success for Young Adults with Disabilities March 9, 2020 Governors State University, University Park, IL](../../../../assets/md5images/0698d19264e5df1244ed3bc3409c7b2b.jpg)
Fostering Educational and Vocational Success for Young Adults with Disabilities March 9, 2020 Governors State University, University Park, IL
Event Title
Lecture Hall F1622
Start Date
3-9-2020 9:15 AM
End Date
3-9-2020 11:15 AM
As individuals with disabilities transition to adulthood, they may have difficulties with interdependence. This session will discuss evidence-based-practices for adults with autism including using self-monitoring to attain goals. Video samples will illustrate both successes and challenges during goal as well as how to modify supports based on individual support needs.
Evidence-based Practices Supporting High-School Transition and Adulthood: Self Management and Goal-Setting
Lecture Hall F1622
As individuals with disabilities transition to adulthood, they may have difficulties with interdependence. This session will discuss evidence-based-practices for adults with autism including using self-monitoring to attain goals. Video samples will illustrate both successes and challenges during goal as well as how to modify supports based on individual support needs.
Moderated by Paul Blobaum, Professor and Scholarly Communications Librarian, Governors State University Library.
Dr. Tomaszewski is a Research Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina TEACCH Autism Program in the Department of Psychiatry and a Faculty Fellow at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. She received her Ph. D from Colorado State University in Applied Developmental Sciences from the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. Dr. Tomaszewski’s research focuses on understanding factors that lead to successful adult outcomes for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other developmental disabilities. She also focuses on implementing interventions aimed at increasing adaptive behavior and employment skills for adolescents and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other developmental disabilities.