This collection contains E-Pulse, an online news publication of the College of Health and Human Services at Governors State University, published between 2008 and 2012.
Student editions of the publication were sent to current College of Health and Human Services faculty and students. Community editions were distributed to alumni, donors to the College, clinical affiliates, Chamber of Commerce members and legislators. The community editions did not include news that pertained only to students or other internal matters.
Information courtesy of Margaret Brady, editor of E-Pulse.
Submissions from 2012
E-Pulse, 2012-02, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2012-08, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2012-08, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2012-11, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2012-11, College of Health and Human Services
Submissions from 2011
E-Pulse, 2011-01, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2011-07, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2011-Summer, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2011-Winter, College of Health and Human Services
Submissions from 2010
E-Pulse, 2010-02, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2010-04, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2010-Spring, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2010-Winter, College of Health and Human Services
Submissions from 2009
E-Pulse, 2009-01, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2009-05, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2009-11, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2009-Fall, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2009-Spring/Summer, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2009-Winter, College of Health and Human Services
Submissions from 2008
E-Pulse, 2008-08, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2008-Fall, College of Health and Human Services
E-Pulse, 2008-01, College of Health Professions
E-Pulse, 2008-02, College of Health Professions
Submissions from 2007
E-Pulse, 2007-03, College of Health Professions
E-Pulse, 2007-08, College of Health Professions