Toward Deprivatized Pedagogy
This book discusses a toll for shaping classroom practice--deprivatized pedagogy. Deprivatized pedagogy draws on postmodern critical theory and experiences at the university and in the writing classroom. The purpose of this text is neither to fan the smoldering embers of theory wars, nor to offer step-by-step instructions for teaching. Rather, it is to demonstrate the times, places, and situations in which theory and practice can and will intersect. The terms deprivatized pedagogy carries with it a conceptual model that will not fit into existing language. Although it is fraught with problems, the authors have selected the terms deprivatized for highly specific reasons. Deprivatized pedagogy may be briefly defined as a way to interrogate classroom practices which are traditionally and inexplicably privatized. A deprivatized pedagogy is a conscious effort to work against traditional, often invisible classroom practices that privilege the construct of the autonomous individual, whether that individual is a teacher or a particular student. In short, it is a strategy for bumping against and breaking down transparent barriers of unthinkingly ritualized practices in the classroom. The authors hope to provide a space to raise questions, evoke critiques, and embark on the path to self-reflexivity in the practice of teaching and learning.
Publication Date
Hampton Press, Inc.
Cresskill, New Jersey
Critial Pedagogy, Reflective Teaching, Postmodernism and Education, Composition, English Language, Teaching Methods, Pedagogy, Deprivatize Pedagogy, Educational Theory, Writing Development, Writing Centers
Creative Writing | Education | English Language and Literature | Teacher Education and Professional Development
Recommended Citation
Nugent, Becky and Bell, Diane C., "Toward Deprivatized Pedagogy" (2006). Faculty Bookshelf. 55.
Becky Nugent, Ph. D., is director of the Writing Center, Governors State University, and Adjunct Professor.