FC14 Trans4mation
2014 was a historic year for Governors State University with having freshmen for the first time in the school's history. FC14 stands for First Class 2014.
Additional resources from our Press Releases collection:
- Governors State to Admit First Freshman Class
- First Freshman EVER Admitted to GSU!
- Governors State University Launches Search for Mascot
- Governors State University Unveils its New Mascot
- One-of-a-Kind College Experience Debuts at Governors State University
Pictured in the photo from left to right: Courtney Sanders, V.P. of Enrollment Management; Dr. Elaine P. Maimon, President; Emily Metzger, first student admitted to GSU's first freshman class; Dr. Deborah Bordelon, Provost.
Office of Marketing and Communications
Media kit about Governors State University's change from an upper-division, senior university to a four-year comprehensive university.
FC14 Campaign in Full Gear
Samantha Kaspar
Newspaper article about Governors State University’s campaign to recruit freshmen for the first class of freshmen in 2014.
FC14 in Motion, Issue 1
Office of Marketing and Communications
Newsletter to engage the Governors State University community about the changes taking place to welcome freshmen as the First Class of 2014.
FC14 in Motion, Issue 2
Office of Marketing and Communications
Newsletter to engage the Governors State University community about the changes taking place to welcome freshmen as the First Class of 2014.
FC14 in Motion, Issue 3
Office of Marketing and Communications
Newsletter to engage the Governors State University community about the changes taking place to welcome freshmen as the First Class of 2014.
FC14 in Motion, Issue 4
Office of Marketing and Communications
Newsletter to engage the Governors State University community about the changes taking place to welcome freshmen as the First Class of 2014.