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accreditation, Association of Illinois Student Governments (AISG), College of Human Learning and Development (CHLD), concerts, conferences, cooperative education, dedication services, gifted children, GSU symbol, history (GSU's past), K.S. Sitaram, Midwest Governmental College Relations, Mini Action Projects (MAPS), Public Interest Research Groups (PIRG), school enrollment, student evaluation of instruction, theater, veterans
The Innovator was a student newspaper published at Governors State University between March 1972 and October 2000. The newspaper featured student reporting, opinions, news, photos, poetry, and original graphics.
Recommended Citation
Governors State University Student Services, Innovator (1974, November 15). http://opus.govst.edu/innovator/39
[p.1] Conference--Accrediting [p.2] Letters--Blue Notes: A Little of This, A Lot of That/Robert A. Blue--The Answers Lie in the Doing! [p.3] Dinglefest--MAPS--The Dedication--Involvement and PIRG--Activism [p.4] When "Punishment" Becomes Violence--GSU Professional Chairs Governmental Committee--Record Number Enrolled Here--Asking for Student Evaluation--The Way It Was [p.5] AISG/Douglas Whitley--Vet's Bulletin Board [p.6] Student Transitions/Dave Peters--The Doctor's Bag/Arnold Werner--Just Information--Aging Council Awarded Grant [p.7] Thou Shalt Obey the Ten Commandments of Safer Driving--Uncle Sam Bad Junkie [p.8] Gifted Children Education Forges Onward and Upward [p.9] Stokman to Perform at GSU--Hand in Glove, Hope in Hand/Jean Kalwa [p.10] Topic of Marketing Conference/Emmanuel Gabriel--Talking About Inflation the Way It Is [p.11] Ecology and Man, Resolution and Conflict/Dave Peters--Co-op Ed Information [p.12] Co-op Ed Openings.