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It is with great pleasure that Academic Affairs shares with you our Office of Sponsored Programs and Research annual report for 2022-23. We are so very proud of our faculty members and staff who have used their expertise as educators and servant leaders to garner grants in the arts, education, business, health care, and student support.
The OSPR Annual Report details submitted proposals, proposals by College and university units, our diverse granting agencies and sponsors, and our new and active awards. We are delighted that in fiscal year 2022, we received 31 new awards in supporting the arts, the Family Development Center, educational training and initiatives, campus safety, and student success, among other areas. Governors State University received nearly $10m in new awards and a total of $28.6m overall.
Recommended Citation
Office of Sponsored Programs and Research, "Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Annual Report 2015-2016" (2022). Office of Sponsored Programs and Research - Reports. 5.