"Presidents' Day Challenge" by Governors State University


Presidents' Day Challenge

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GSU President Elaine P. Maimon and Dr. Mort Maimon understand the important difference the gift of a scholarship can make in the future of a promising student. President Maimon was once the recipient of that life-changing gift. The scholarship support she received made her educational achievement possible and is the foundation of all she has accomplished.

To help continue the cycle of support for deserving students, President and Dr. Maimon are challenging you to meet them half way. Every dollar that you contribute to the President’s Scholarship Fund will be matched with an equal donation by President and Dr. Maimon up to $50,000! That means $100,000 for scholarships.

Accept the President’s Day Challenge. Your generosity will be doubled by the matching donation by President and Dr. Maimon. Invest in the Presidential Scholarship, double the power of your donation, and help ensure the future of our brightest students.
