Current International Collaboration-research Progress in Environmental Biology
Type of Presentation
Hall of Governors
Start Date
4-1-2016 4:00 PM
End Date
4-1-2016 6:00 PM
I have developed a collaboration-research relationship with scientists from Central South University of Forestry and Technology of China during the past years. Our research has focused on investigating ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling and hydrology processes in forest ecosystems. I would like to use “authors’ corner” displays as a platform, to present the results from our collaboration-research projects. Several recent peer-reviewed publications will be exhibited.
Presentation File
Current International Collaboration-research Progress in Environmental Biology
Hall of Governors
I have developed a collaboration-research relationship with scientists from Central South University of Forestry and Technology of China during the past years. Our research has focused on investigating ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling and hydrology processes in forest ecosystems. I would like to use “authors’ corner” displays as a platform, to present the results from our collaboration-research projects. Several recent peer-reviewed publications will be exhibited.
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Dr. Xiaoyong Chen is a Professor of Science in the College of Arts and Sciences.