Research Day 2018 Schedule
Privilege and Prejudice
Type of Presentation
Start Date
4-6-2018 9:30 AM
End Date
4-6-2018 10:00 AM
Program description as provided by author:
5 mins : Introduction Power point presentation: Definition of: Privilege with examples, Prejudice with examples.Microaggression with example.
10 mins : Privilege Walk Activity – Participants stand in a single line. Approximately 20 statements are read aloud with the directions of take one step forward for statements of privilege or backward for statements of minority membership that apply to you.
10 mins : Identification of Microaggression in Statements and their Interpretations Activity- Participants are given a paper with Column A having commonly stated Microaggressions, and Column B having possible interpretations. Participants would then be asked to match Column A with possible interpretations in Column B.
5 mins: Debriefing. Review of what was shared and experienced by all participants. Along with tips on how to become more conscience of everyday microaggressions.
Faculty / Staff Sponsor
Dr. Allie Cipra
Privilege and Prejudice
Program description as provided by author:
5 mins : Introduction Power point presentation: Definition of: Privilege with examples, Prejudice with examples.Microaggression with example.
10 mins : Privilege Walk Activity – Participants stand in a single line. Approximately 20 statements are read aloud with the directions of take one step forward for statements of privilege or backward for statements of minority membership that apply to you.
10 mins : Identification of Microaggression in Statements and their Interpretations Activity- Participants are given a paper with Column A having commonly stated Microaggressions, and Column B having possible interpretations. Participants would then be asked to match Column A with possible interpretations in Column B.
5 mins: Debriefing. Review of what was shared and experienced by all participants. Along with tips on how to become more conscience of everyday microaggressions.