Poster Sessions - 2018 Research Day

How Can Technology-Enhanced Feedback Improve Preservice Teachers’ Ability to be Culturally Responsive in their Practice?

Type of Presentation

Poster Session


Hall of Governors

Start Date

4-6-2018 10:30 AM

End Date

4-6-2018 12:00 PM

Other Presentation Disciplines:

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Technology in Education


Research indicates that feedback is critical to the growth of preservice candidates, and technology is one method of providing immediate and purposeful feedback. Most feedback, however, tends to focus on developing instructional skills of preservice teachers and not attending to improving other soft skills like cultural responsiveness. While feedback using technology can be an effective tool for teacher candidates, successful implementation of this process can be better supported by first providing an opportunity for candidates to develop comfort with the tool. As pre-service teacher become more comfortable with feedback using technology, they can use this method to better develop their own culturally responsive lens. This study analyzes the effectiveness of one technology feedback platform on preservice candidates’ development cultural responsiveness.

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Faculty / Staff Sponsor


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Apr 6th, 10:30 AM Apr 6th, 12:00 PM

How Can Technology-Enhanced Feedback Improve Preservice Teachers’ Ability to be Culturally Responsive in their Practice?

Hall of Governors

Research indicates that feedback is critical to the growth of preservice candidates, and technology is one method of providing immediate and purposeful feedback. Most feedback, however, tends to focus on developing instructional skills of preservice teachers and not attending to improving other soft skills like cultural responsiveness. While feedback using technology can be an effective tool for teacher candidates, successful implementation of this process can be better supported by first providing an opportunity for candidates to develop comfort with the tool. As pre-service teacher become more comfortable with feedback using technology, they can use this method to better develop their own culturally responsive lens. This study analyzes the effectiveness of one technology feedback platform on preservice candidates’ development cultural responsiveness.