Poster Sessions - 2018 Research Day
A Survey of Buffer Management Strategies in Delay Tolerant Networks
Type of Presentation
Poster Session
Hall of Governors
Start Date
4-6-2018 4:00 PM
End Date
4-6-2018 5:30 PM
When configuring a delay tolerant network (DTN), there are many aspects that need to be taken into consideration for an effective and efficient network. One aspect is a buffer management strategy. Buffer strategies are used to determine which packets need to be forwarded or dropped. This paper will focus on the variety of buffer management strategies available, providing a comprehensive survey and analysis. They have all been taken into consideration, evaluated, and then classified into different categories based on their features.
Identify Grant
Student Life Travel
Faculty / Staff Sponsor
Shuhui Yang
A Survey of Buffer Management Strategies in Delay Tolerant Networks
Hall of Governors
When configuring a delay tolerant network (DTN), there are many aspects that need to be taken into consideration for an effective and efficient network. One aspect is a buffer management strategy. Buffer strategies are used to determine which packets need to be forwarded or dropped. This paper will focus on the variety of buffer management strategies available, providing a comprehensive survey and analysis. They have all been taken into consideration, evaluated, and then classified into different categories based on their features.