Creating a mobile device-based educational intervention for African American women with hereditary breast cancer risk
Type of Presentation
Start Date
4-12-2019 2:40 PM
End Date
4-12-2019 3:10 PM
Background: Our foundational work found very low rates of attendance at a genetic counseling (GC) consultation among AA women with hereditary breast cancer (BC) risk who were referred for GC, and a strong desire among women and their primary care physicians (PCPs) for culturally sensitive educational material to help women understand the purpose of GC. We created a story-based educational intervention delivered on a mobile device platform that is designed to motivate AA women with familial BC risk to attend GC.
Methods: Using an iterative process encompassing semi-structured, one-on-one interviews and group story circles with AA women referred for GC (primarily non-attenders), we identified themes that represent barriers and motivators to attendance for AA women. The storyline and educational content for the script were based on the themes identified. The script and artwork were tested with focus groups that included members of the target audience and key community stakeholders. We also conducted key informant interviews with PCPs providing care for AA women.
Results: Findings from semi-structured interviews (N=20) were augmented with data collected from group story circle sessions with a subgroup of women who participated in the interviews (N=11). Nine themes emerged from the combined data and findings were used to create a story-based script. Focus groups conducted with community stakeholders and the target audience led to revision in the overall design and style of the intervention and additional content revisions. Additional findings from focus groups were presented and the completed educational video was previewed.
Identify Grant
GUIDE Training and Research Project (GSU-UICC-Disparities)
Funded by National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute
Visit the GUIDE project newsletter web site at http://www.govst.edu/guide-project-newsletter/
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Creating a mobile device-based educational intervention for African American women with hereditary breast cancer risk
Background: Our foundational work found very low rates of attendance at a genetic counseling (GC) consultation among AA women with hereditary breast cancer (BC) risk who were referred for GC, and a strong desire among women and their primary care physicians (PCPs) for culturally sensitive educational material to help women understand the purpose of GC. We created a story-based educational intervention delivered on a mobile device platform that is designed to motivate AA women with familial BC risk to attend GC.
Methods: Using an iterative process encompassing semi-structured, one-on-one interviews and group story circles with AA women referred for GC (primarily non-attenders), we identified themes that represent barriers and motivators to attendance for AA women. The storyline and educational content for the script were based on the themes identified. The script and artwork were tested with focus groups that included members of the target audience and key community stakeholders. We also conducted key informant interviews with PCPs providing care for AA women.
Results: Findings from semi-structured interviews (N=20) were augmented with data collected from group story circle sessions with a subgroup of women who participated in the interviews (N=11). Nine themes emerged from the combined data and findings were used to create a story-based script. Focus groups conducted with community stakeholders and the target audience led to revision in the overall design and style of the intervention and additional content revisions. Additional findings from focus groups were presented and the completed educational video was previewed.