OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship - Research Days: Exploring Study Strategies for Success on the NBCOT Exam

Exploring Study Strategies for Success on the NBCOT Exam

Type of Presentation

Poster Session


University Library

Start Date

4-18-2024 11:45 AM

End Date

4-18-2024 1:15 PM


As of May 2022, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the national number of Occupational Therapists in the US was 134,980. Passing the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) exam and graduating from an accredited Occupational Therapy program is meant to ensure aspiring practitioners have entry-level knowledge. Current literature shows numerous factors that influence successful passing of the exam, from college entrance exams such as the ACT and GRE (Kurowski-Burt et al., 2020), to gender, fieldwork reports, and program GPA playing a significant role in passing rates (Novalis et al, 2017). The literature also highlights the offering of preparatory classes where NBCOT exam material is covered (Breen-Franklin, 2017), but students are then left to interpret and create individualized study plans for themselves, unaware of key points to focus on for success. This research aimed to explore Governors State University occupational therapy student strategies for success on the NBCOT exam. Quantitative research using exploratory research design with a survey method of data collection was utilized. Conclusions from the survey included studying according to learning style, study plans, practice questions and utilizing a mixture of resources proved to be beneficial. The challenges during preparation included person factors related to perceived stress and anxiety and study habits.

Presentation File


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Apr 18th, 11:45 AM Apr 18th, 1:15 PM

Exploring Study Strategies for Success on the NBCOT Exam

University Library

As of May 2022, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the national number of Occupational Therapists in the US was 134,980. Passing the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) exam and graduating from an accredited Occupational Therapy program is meant to ensure aspiring practitioners have entry-level knowledge. Current literature shows numerous factors that influence successful passing of the exam, from college entrance exams such as the ACT and GRE (Kurowski-Burt et al., 2020), to gender, fieldwork reports, and program GPA playing a significant role in passing rates (Novalis et al, 2017). The literature also highlights the offering of preparatory classes where NBCOT exam material is covered (Breen-Franklin, 2017), but students are then left to interpret and create individualized study plans for themselves, unaware of key points to focus on for success. This research aimed to explore Governors State University occupational therapy student strategies for success on the NBCOT exam. Quantitative research using exploratory research design with a survey method of data collection was utilized. Conclusions from the survey included studying according to learning style, study plans, practice questions and utilizing a mixture of resources proved to be beneficial. The challenges during preparation included person factors related to perceived stress and anxiety and study habits.