OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship - Research Days: The Importance of Visual Communication in Academic Research Poster Designs

The Importance of Visual Communication in Academic Research Poster Designs

Author/ Authors/ Presenter/ Presenters/ Panelists:

Rachel R. Beckmann, Governors State UniversityFollow

Type of Presentation

Poster Session


University Library

Start Date

4-17-2024 11:45 AM

End Date

4-17-2024 1:15 PM


If you have presented a poster, chances are you designed an “academic style” poster– one that is fit for a university conference, rather than one that’s bold in color and rebellious in design. You may have paragraphs-worth of literature review, and maybe you’ve popped in one sole pie graph to draw attention to your otherwise…bland poster. The “correct” poster. But, is it effective? Is the traditionally designed academic poster effective in communicating your ideas that you present here, today? What even makes a good poster?

Faculty / Staff Sponsor

Dr. Alli Cipra

Presentation File


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Apr 17th, 11:45 AM Apr 17th, 1:15 PM

The Importance of Visual Communication in Academic Research Poster Designs

University Library

If you have presented a poster, chances are you designed an “academic style” poster– one that is fit for a university conference, rather than one that’s bold in color and rebellious in design. You may have paragraphs-worth of literature review, and maybe you’ve popped in one sole pie graph to draw attention to your otherwise…bland poster. The “correct” poster. But, is it effective? Is the traditionally designed academic poster effective in communicating your ideas that you present here, today? What even makes a good poster?